
Registration information

Registration for the 5th International Summerschool on Privacy (ISP 2025) is now open.

The summerschool is primarily targeted at PhD students. We do accept registrations by master students, (senior) faculty, and even people from government or business on a case by case basis.

We have a limited number of stipends available. The process is described in detail here.

The following registration options exist:

Type Early registration
(before May 1, 2025)
Late registration
(on or after May 1, 2025)
Sharing a room € 1065 € 1265
Private room € 1395 € 1595
No room required € 767 € 967

The registration fee includes lunch and diner, social event, reception on Sunday and of course access to all lectures. The registration fee for a private room or shared room also includes breakfast. Drinks and other expenses have to be paid separately. The "no room required" option is for local attendees that do not require accommodation.

When requesting a shared room, please indicate with whom you would like to share a room (if you know this when registering). Otherwise we will assign you a roommate (based on the gender you specify).

After filling in and submitting the form, you will receive a confirmation email immediately. You will receive instructions on how to pay the registration fee by email several days later. Payment requires a credit card or iDeal. After payment you will receive an invoice and a formal invitation letter (useful in case you need to apply for a visa).

For any questions please contact Laura Hoekjan by email at laura.hoekjan [at] (replace [at] with the at sign, and remove paces).

Registration form

We do use a very basic form of abuse prevention. To prevent abuse, the form contains a very simple/silly spam bot detection mechanism (the CAPTCHA). You need to enter the string 'CAPTCHA' (without quotes) in the first field of the form labelled CAPTCHA.
First name:
Last name:
Email address:
Repeat email address:
Registration type:
Applying for a stipend:
Dietary requirements:
Name of person sharing room with:
Additional information: