1st Interdisciplinary Summerschool on Privacy (ISP 2016)
The interdisciplinary summerschool on privacy provides an intensive one week academic post-graduate programme teaching privacy from a technical, legal and social perspective. The goal of the summerschool is to provide students with a solid background in the theory of privacy construction, modelling and protection from these three different perspectives. It also aims to help them to establish a first international network with peers and senior academics across these disparate disciplines.

Theme: Addressing Privacy in Service architectures and the Sharing economy.
This years summer school will be dedicated to the topic of Addressing Privacy in Service architectures and the Sharing economy. The shift from shrink wrapped software to service oriented architectures as the building blocks of our digital infrastructure brings about changes in information flows, rights and experiences of users, and accountability of services. The sharing economy has risen to prominence with service architectures and has lead to a further collapse of concepts of consumer, producer, labor and citizenship. Combined, the sharing economy and service architectures serve to make it possible to leverage information flows to control the circulation of people and “things". These developments have a great impact on the type of privacy problems that arise and the appropriate technical, legal and social means to address these problems.
The summerschool is interdisciplinary, involving the following disciplines: law, social sciences and computer science.
The school lasts one week, with nine scheduled lectures (five morning lectures and four afternoon lectures) of three hours each. These nine lectures are equally distributed over the three disciplines. We aim to attract top notch lectures from each of the three disciplines. The lectures should be structured such that at least the first half of the lecture is accessible to and interesting to students from all disciplines.
The late afternoon / early evening is used for hands on working group sessions to study practical cases. The cases can be offered by businesses, governments, government related institutions (like DPAs) and civic society/NGOs. Groups of six students, ideally two from each discipline, are formed to tackle the cases and report back on their results in a plenary session.
The school is held in a location that encourages dialogue and social interactions between both the staff and the students, both during lectures and in the evening. Staff (i.e. lecturers) are encouraged (and their expenses paid) to stay at the summerschool for the whole length of the school.
The summerschool is aimed at 1st or 2nd year PhD students from law, social sciences and computer science. A limited number of stipends is also available. For more information see this page.
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